We will refund any item as long as it is unopened and unused and in NEW & SAME CONDITION as when it was shipped. All items that we ship are inspected prior to shipping to verify that the product is in good working order. We do not replace items that were damaged in transit from UPS, FED EX, USPS or DHL.
It is highly unlikely that the products we sell will be damaged in transit or lost but it is advised that you purchase (add to your order) shipping insurance. We are not responsible for lost packages or stolen packages from your doorstep.
All electronic type items (speakers, LED Signs etc are opened and tested before we ship them to verify that they are working properly and there are no defects at time of shipping.
Again...buy the shipping insurance or assume the risk of damages, loss or theft, in transit. All claims for damaged packages are made thru the shipper if you purchased their shipping insurance.